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Cable end terminations

Cable terminations are used in routine, sample, and type testing of plastic-insulated medium and high voltage cables according to IEC 60840 (30-150kV), IEC 62067 (150-550kV), IEC 60060-1, IEC 60060-2 and IEC 60270. They act as the connection between the test object and the high voltage test system.

There are two models of cable terminations using different techniques depending on the test voltage of the cables to be tested.

Oil termination systems are used to test medium voltage cables with test voltages of up to 100 kV.

Water termination systems are used to test medium and high voltage cables with test voltages ranging from 75 kV to 800 kV. In addition to the water terminations they feature a water conditioning unit. When testing cables, the system extracts the produced heat losses via a closed water circuit and at the same time, monitors the conductivity of the resistive stress grader medium.

The cable termination requirement is very high for testing 66kV or above XLPE cables.

Oil termination is to strengthen the insulation level of the dielectric and increase the field strength. But for 66kV or above 66kV XLPE cables, oil termination cannot meet the test requirements if only to increase the field strength; then we use water termination, the de-ionized water will make the electric field distribution average and meet the test requirement.

CTT cable test termination used for MV, HV and EHV insulation cable test. It can meet the relevant requirement and standard; this test termination can be used for the bellowing test:

  • AC voltage test

  • Partial discharge test and fault location

  • Impulse voltage test (lighting impulse and switching impulse)

  • Dielectric loss test

  • Breakdown test

  • Some other relevant tests

CTT cable test termination suitable for 66-500kV cable test, the Max diameter can be up to 165mm.

It equipped with CTW water treatment unit; based on the voltage level, the cable termination has two designs: A) above 150kV, cable insert to the termination insulation tube from bottom side B) below 150kV, cable insert to the termination insulation tube from top side.

CTT cable test termination is a double water tube system, de-ionized water is recycling inside. It is a closed water treatment system together with the water treatment unit CTW. Each cable connects to the water treatment unit through two water tubes.

Our cable termination structure design has changed the cable’s electric field distribution and energy loss in the termination. The water treatment unit can control water’s electrical conductivity and temperature.

Water treatment unit equipped with 500L water tank that for de-ionized water; two cable terminations and water treatment unit connected by four water tubes. Water flow rate is about 30 L / min or 60 L / min. Heat discharged to the outside through the heat exchanger.

Data Sheet

Cable End Termination .pdf

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